These products are sold as pure compounds intended solely for research purposes and are not intended for use as dietary supplements. Please review our terms and conditions before making a purchase.
Safety Information:
- Keep Out of Reach of Children: These products must be stored away from children.
- Proper Handling: Due to limited research on these materials, improper handling or consumption may lead to adverse effects. These products are raw materials sold in their pure form, not dietary supplements.
- Quality Assurance: We guarantee the quality, purity, and accurate description of our materials. These products should only be used and handled by individuals with the appropriate knowledge and equipment for safe handling.
By Purchasing this Product, You Agree:
- Indemnify Bionexus Technologies et al: By purchasing these products, you agree to indemnify us against any adverse effects resulting from improper handling or consumption.
The articles and information on products found on this website are provided solely for informational and educational purposes. These products are not pharmaceuticals or medications, and they have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment or prevention of any disease, medical condition, or ailment.